Results for 'J. V. Wood'

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  1.  48
    Collections VIII: Library and Archive Resources in the History of Science and Medicine at the University of Leeds.P. B. Wood & J. V. Golinski - 1981 - British Journal for the History of Science 14 (3):263-281.
    Although the University of Leeds has attained something of a reputation for the quality of its scholarship in the history of science, few historians are aware of the impressive collection of early scientific and medical books and manuscripts to be found in the University libraries. In order to make the library resources more widely known, we embarked on a systematic survey of the contents of the main historical collections. We wanted not only to give a general impression of the particular (...)
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  2. Nagging doubts and a glimmer of hope: The role of implicit self-esteem in self-image maintenance.Steven J. Spencer, Christian H. Jordan, Christine Er Logel, Mark P. Zanna, A. Tesser, J. V. Wood & D. A. Stapel - 2005 - In Abraham Tesser, Joanne V. Wood & Diederik A. Stapel, On Building, Defending, and Regulating the Self: A Psychological Perspective. Psychology Press.
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    JAK/STAT pathway inhibition overcomes IL7-induced glucocorticoid resistance in a subset of human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias.C. Delgado-Martin, L. K. Meyer, B. J. Huang, K. A. Shimano, M. S. Zinter, J. V. Nguyen, G. A. Smith, J. Taunton, S. S. Winter, J. R. Roderick, M. A. Kelliher, T. M. Horton, B. L. Wood, D. T. Teachey & M. L. Hermiston - unknown
    While outcomes for children with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia have improved dramatically, survival rates for patients with relapsed/refractory disease remain dismal. Prior studies indicate that glucocorticoid resistance is more common than resistance to other chemotherapies at relapse. In addition, failure to clear peripheral blasts during a prednisone prophase correlates with an elevated risk of relapse in newly diagnosed patients. Here we show that intrinsic GC resistance is present at diagnosis in early thymic precursor T-ALLs as well as in a subset (...)
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  4. Women families and the future. Sexual relationships and marriage worldwide.[Fact sheet].V. K. Burbank, C. Williamson, S. Engelbrecht, M. Lambrick, E. J. van Rensburg, R. Wood, W. Bredell, A. L. Williamson, D. J. Barthlow & P. F. Horan - 1995 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 23 (1):33-46.
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  5. Safety of community-based distribution of DMPA.J. Wesson, A. Olawo, V. Bukusi, M. Solomon, B. Pierre-Louis, B. Fraser, S. Winani, S. Wood, P. Coffey & T. Chirwa - 2008 - Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (1):69-82.
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  6.  27
    Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder Exhibit Greater Stepping Error Despite Similar Gaze Patterns and State Anxiety Levels to Their Typically Developing Peers.Johnny V. V. Parr, Richard J. Foster, Greg Wood & Mark A. Hollands - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  7.  19
    Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder Show Altered Visuomotor Control During Stair Negotiation Associated With Heightened State Anxiety.Johnny V. V. Parr, Richard J. Foster, Greg Wood, Neil M. Thomas & Mark A. Hollands - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Safe stair negotiation is an everyday task that children with developmental coordination disorder are commonly thought to struggle with. Yet, there is currently a paucity of research supporting these claims. We investigated the visuomotor control strategies underpinning stair negotiation in children with and without DCD by measuring kinematics, gaze behavior and state anxiety as they ascended and descended a staircase. A questionnaire was administered to determine parents' confidence in their child's ability to safely navigate stairs and their child's fall history. (...)
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  8. (2 other versions)Philosophy for the Future: The Quest of Modern Materialism.Roy Wood Sellars, V. J. Mcgill & Marvin Farber - 1949 - Science and Society 13 (4):352-361.
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    The Fifth Verrine R. G. C. Levens: Cicero, Verrine V. Pp. xliv+206. London: Methuen, 1946. Cloth, 8s. (with vocabulary, 8s. 6d.). [REVIEW]E. J. Wood - 1947 - The Classical Review 61 (3-4):105-106.
  10.  41
    Philosophy for the Future; The Quest of Modern MaterialismRoy Wood Sellars V. J. McGill Marvin Farber.V. Lenzen - 1950 - Isis 41 (2):248-249.
  11. "The Fittest Man in the Kingdom": Thomas Reid and the Glasgow Chair of Moral Philosophy.Paul Wood - 1997 - Hume Studies 23 (2):277-313.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"The Fittest Man in the Kingdom":Thomas Reid and the Glasgow Chair of Moral PhilosophyPaul Wood (bio)Paul Wood Paul Wood is at the Department of History, University of Victoria, PO Box 3045, MS 7381, Victoria BC V8W 3P4 Canada. email: pbwood@uvvm.uvic.caReceived August 1996Revised January 1997Notes. An earlier version of this paper was delivered at a plenary session of the 23rd International Hume Conference held at the University (...)
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  12. Aristotle.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1967 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    Aristotle and the sea battle, by G. E. M. Anscombe.--Aristotle's different possibilities, by K. J. J. Hintikka.--On Aristotle's square of opposition, by M. Thompson.--Categories in Aristotle and in Kant, by J. C. Wilson.--Aristotle's Categories, chapters I-V: translation and notes, by J. L. Ackrill--Aristotle's theory of categories, by J. M. E. Moravcsik.--Essence and accident, by I. M. Copi.--Tithenai ta phainomena, by G. E. L. Owen.--Matter and predication in Aristotle, by J. Owens.--Problems in Metaphysics Z, chapter 13, by M. J. Woods.--The meaning (...)
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  13.  80
    Aristotle: a collection of critical essays.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1968 - Melbourne,: Macmillan.
    Aristotle and the sea battle, by G. E. M. Anscombe.--Aristotle's different possibilities, by K. J. J. Hintikka.--On Aristotle's square of opposition, by M. Thompson.--Categories in Aristotle and in Kant, by J. C. Wilson.--Aristotle's Categories, chapters I-V: translation and notes, by J. L. Ackrill.--Aristotle's theory of categories, by J. M. E. Moravcsik.--Essence and accident, by I. M. Copi.--Tithenai ta phainomena, by G. E. L. Owen.--Matter and predication in Aristotle, by J. Owens.--Problems in Metaphysics Z, chapter 13, by M. J. Woods.--The meaning (...)
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  14.  89
    How then shall we eat? Insect-eating attitudes and sustainable foodways.Heather Looy, Florence V. Dunkel & John R. Wood - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (1):131-141.
    Negative attitudes toward invertebrates are a deep-seated, visceral response among Western peoples. These internalized aversions toward insects and other terrestrial arthropods, both in general and specifically as a food source, subtly and systemically contribute to unsustainable global foodways. Insect cuisine is, for Westerners, emblematic of the alien, a threat to our psychological and cultural identity. Yet failure to embrace entomophagy prevents us from seeing the full humanity of those of other classes, races, and cultures, and leads to agricultural and food (...)
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  15.  36
    History of Classical Scholarship from the Beginnings to the End of the Hellenistic Age.J. V. Muir & Rudolf Pfeiffer - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (1):96.
  16.  23
    Deformation of neutron-irradiated copper single crystals.J. V. Sharp - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (139):77-96.
  17.  52
    A-V Instruction: Materials and Methods.J. V. Muir, James W. Brown, Richard B. Lewis & Fred F. Harcleroad - 1965 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (1):141.
  18. Intellectual virtues: An essay in regulative epistemology * by R. C. Roberts and W. J. wood.R. Roberts & W. Wood - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):181-182.
    Since the publication of Edmund Gettier's challenge to the traditional epistemological doctrine of knowledge as justified true belief, Roberts and Wood claim that epistemologists lapsed into despondency and are currently open to novel approaches. One such approach is virtue epistemology, which can be divided into virtues as proper functions or epistemic character traits. The authors propose a notion of regulative epistemology, as opposed to a strict analytic epistemology, based on intellectual virtues that function not as rules or even as (...)
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  19. The Christian in philosophy.J. V. Langmead Casserley - 1951 - New York,: Scribner.
  20.  65
    The Theory of Ideas in the Cratylus.J. V. Luce - 1965 - Phronesis 10 (1):21 - 36.
  21.  27
    The elastic interaction between edge dislocations and dipoles.J. V. Sharp & M. J. Makin - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (108):1011-1025.
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  22.  54
    Cooperation in the Prisoni.J. V. Howard - 1988 - Theory and Decision 24 (3):203.
  23. Private language: The diary case.J. V. Canfield - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (3):377 – 394.
  24. Commentary: refocusing the ethics of informed consent: could ritual improve the ethics of the Noma study.J. V. Lavery - 2007 - In James V. Lavery, Ethical issues in international biomedical research: a casebook. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Short Notices of Books Insects, Hygiene and History. By J. R. Busvine. London: Athlone Press, 1976. Pp. 262. £6.95.J. V. Pickstone - 1979 - British Journal for the History of Science 12 (2):235-236.
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  26.  31
    The Date of the Cratylus.J. V. Luce - 1964 - American Journal of Philology 85 (2):136.
  27.  34
    Greek Education 450-350 B.C.J. V. Muir & Frederick A. G. Beck - 1965 - British Journal of Educational Studies 13 (2):223.
  28.  35
    On the metal-non-metal transition in sodium-ammonia solutions.J. V. Acrivos & N. F. Mott - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (187):19-31.
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  29. The obligation to ensure access to beneficial treatments for research participants at the conclusion of clinical trials.J. V. Lavery - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel, The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 697--710.
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  30.  79
    Plato On Truth And Falsity In Names.J. V. Luce - 1969 - Classical Quarterly 19 (2):222-232.
    In Cratylus 385 b-c Plato argues that if statements () can be true or false, names (),2 as parts () of statements, are also capable of being true or false. From Aristotle onwards this view has often been challenged,3 and R. Robinson put the case against it trenchantly when he wrote:4This argument is bad; for names have no truth-value, and the reason given for saying that they do is a fallacy of division. No one in the dialogue points out that (...)
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  31.  42
    A Lutheran Astrologer: Johannes Kepler.J. V. Field - 1984 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 31 (3):189-272.
    This completes what I think one may state and defend on physical grounds concerning the foundations of Astrology and the coming year 1602. If those learned in matters of Physics think them worthy of consideration, and communicate to me their objections to them, for the sake of eliciting the truth, I shall, if God grants me the skill, reply to them in my prognostication for the following year. I urge all who make a serious study of philosophy to engage in (...)
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  32. The Christian in Philosophy.J. V. Langmead Casserley - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (90):283-283.
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  33.  66
    Immortality in Plato's Symposium: A Reply.J. V. Luce - 1952 - The Classical Review 2 (3-4):137-141.
  34.  53
    Two Mathematical Inventions in Kepler's "Ad Vitellionem paralipomena".J. V. Field - 1985 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 17 (4):449.
  35.  42
    Liability in the Law of Tort of Research Ethics Committees and Their Members.J. V. McHale - 2005 - Research Ethics 1 (2):53-59.
    The current rise in malpractice litigation has led to concern in the research community as to the prospect of litigation against researchers. Clearly as the responsibility for the day-to-day conduct of the research falls upon the researchers they will be potentially liable should there be negligence in the conduct of the research project itself. But to what extent can the research ethics committee and its members be held liable should harm result to the research subject? How far does the prospect (...)
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  36. The Fate of Modern Culture.J. V. L. Casserley, D. M. Mackinnon & E. L. Mascall - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (61):103-104.
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    Rediscovering the Archimedean Polyhedra: Piero della Francesca, Luca Pacioli, Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Daniele Barbaro, and Johannes Kepler.J. V. Field - 1997 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 50 (3-4):241-289.
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  38. On the education of young men and women.J. V. Schall - 1999 - In Daniel McInerny, The Common Things: Essays on Thomism and Education. American Maritain Association. pp. 128--142.
  39. Perspectives on socially shared cognition.J. V. Wertsch, L. B. Resnick, J. M. Levine & S. D. Teasley - 1991 - In Lauren Resnick, Levine B., M. John, Stephanie Teasley & D., Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition. American Psychological Association.
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    Fluctuating asymmetry and aggression in boys.J. T. Manning & D. Wood - 1998 - Human Nature 9 (1):53-65.
    Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is small deviations from perfect symmetry in normally bilaterally symmetrical traits. We examined the relationship between FA of five body traits (ear height, length of three digits, and ankle circumference) and self-reported scores of physical and verbal aggression in a sample of 90 boys aged 10 to 15 years. The relationships between FA and scores of aggression (particularly physical aggression) were found to be negative; in other words, the most symmetrical boys showed highest aggression. One trait (ankle (...)
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    Linguistic control in monolingual and bilingual language learners.J. V. Bartolotti & Viorica Marian - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  42.  30
    Reasoning about madness.J. V. Basson - 1978 - Journal of Medical Ethics 4 (4):213-213.
  43.  21
    Soldier Without a Rifle.J. V. Basson - 1980 - Journal of Medical Ethics 6 (1):44-44.
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    Professor Alexander's proofs of the spatio-temporal nature of mind.J. V. Bateman - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49 (May):309-324.
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    The nature and function of the categories in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, James Ward, S. Alexander.J. V. Bateman - 1933 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    The aim of this investigation is to discuss the merits of the three radically divergent views as to the nature and function of the categories held by Kant, Ward and Alexander.
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    The Hyksos. A New Investigation.J. V. Beckerath & John van Seters - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (2):309.
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    Chemical reactions of TaS2.J. V. Acrivos, C. Delios & H. Kurasaki - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (6):1047-1056.
  48.  19
    Charge transfer complexes in intercalated layer compounds.J. V. Acrivos & J. R. Salem - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (3):603-619.
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    The Human Factor in the Revolution and Perestroika.J. V. Minkevičius - 1988 - Dialectics and Humanism 15 (3-4):85-92.
  50.  69
    Scientific Breeding in Central Europe during the Early Nineteenth Century: Background to Mendel’s Later Work.Roger J. Wood & Vítězslav Orel - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2):239-272.
    Efforts to bring science into early 19th century breeding practices in Central Europe, organised from Brno, the Hapsburg city in which Mendel would later turn breeding experiments into a body of timeless theory, are here considered as a significant prelude to the great discovery. During those years prior to Mendel's arrival in Brno, enlightened breeders were seeking ways to regulate the process of heredity, which they viewed as a force to be controlled. Many were specialising in sheep breeding for the (...)
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